
EEO-1 Reporting in 2022: What's New?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has now opened the EEO-1 Reporting portal on April 12th, 2022, but there was a delay in the opening until 12:00 PM (ET). There were also several complaints made by Employers and the public about the shortened reporting period which might mean there may be deadline extensions.


EEOC representatives disclosed that the EEOC plans to close the 2021 EEO-1 filing platform on June 21, 2022. While this schedule could change as 2021 filings proceed, this proposed timetable suggests that the EEOC intends to conclude 2021 filings on an abbreviated schedule compared to prior EEO-1 filing windows.


The EEOC’s 2021 EEO-1 Component 1 data collection should be less complicated than the 2019 and 2020 EEO-1 filings, which posed several obstacles, including a new filing platform, paper-mailed login information, a requirement of filing two years of reports, and the abandonment of the new platform’s mergers and acquisition system deep into last year’s filing cycle.


In addition to providing the update on the portal opening and reporting deadline, the most recent update announced EEOC’s discontinuation of the Type 6 Establishment Report for employers who have establishments with fewer than 50 employees. Instead, employers will now be required to use the Type 8 report. Citing the Agency’s continuing efforts of “modernization” and work to improve the quality of data.


EEOC has already announced one change for the 2021 report. EEOC will discontinue the EEO-1 Component 1 Type 6 Establishment List Report for establishments with fewer than 50 employees. These establishments must now use the Type 8 Establishment Report for the 2021 filing cycle.


Join us to learn about the recent updates on the 2021 data collection and EEO-1 reporting in 2022. You'll also receive a FREE customized compliance tool to comply with the best reporting practices. Register now!




Why Should You Attend This Training?

The EEO-1 Reporting Period was shortened and as a result, Employers may scrabble to meet the May 17, 2022 deadline. It is expected like in the last reporting period that there will be updates throughout the reporting period. However, this training will ensure you have all the updates and resources to access any new update that evolves.


Covered employers are encouraged to confirm that all employees have had the opportunity to voluntarily self-identify their gender, ethnicity, and race. If employees who have not responded to this voluntary invitation, employers may re-extend the invitation and/or rely on employment documents such as an I-9 or visual observation. If an employer needs to rely on visual observation, it will be easier to gather this information now rather than waiting until April 2022.




EEO-1 Reporting Obligation

Businesses with 100 or more employees and some federal contractors with at least 50 employees must submit an annual EEO-1 form, which asks for information from the previous year about the number of employees who worked for the business, sorted by job category, race, ethnicity, and gender.




What Will You Learn?

-How can you ensure you get the updates that will occur during the reporting period?
-What are the penalties if the EEO-1 report is not filed by the deadline?
-How will the EEOC and the OFCCP enforce violations for missed deadlines?
-What are the public concerns with this reporting period?
-What are the differences between this reporting period and what Employers need to adapt?
-What obstacles will this reporting period not have from the last reporting period?
-What changes are part of the new reporting guidelines?
-What can't federal contractors ignore?
-What issues were of concern about the mergers and acquisitions component from 2020 reporting?
-What new updates will be part of the portal during the reporting period?
-Why was the reporting period shortened?
-What process was eliminated?




What Else?

-Step-by-step basics of filing the form
-Understand the race, ethnicity, job categories
-Learn about the dilemma for Employers when reporting non-binary employees
-How to comply with confidentiality requirements?
-Take a step by step overview of the new Online Reporting System
-Best practice on how to align job categories with job titles
-How to maximize the EEO-1 Data Collection Fact sheets and other resources?
-The best way to steer clear of penalties for noncompliance
-Collecting employee information when your organization has multiple employment locations





-This Program, ID No. 594235, has been approved for 1.50 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, aPHRi™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™, and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute®? (HRCI®).

-This program is valid for 1.5 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. For more information about certification or recertification, please portal.shrm.org.




Who Will Benefit?

-All employers required to complete the EEO-1 reporting
-Business owners
-Company leadership
-Compliance professionals


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