

With the COVID-19 vaccine made available across the States, most businesses need to know whether they can or should mandate for their workforces to get vaccinated. In response to this, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently published guidance containing the required information for all vaccination-related issues at the workplace.

They implicate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), among other laws. Now the employers should be aware as to what requirements are under the EEOC guidance and what non-compliance with them would result in. Here an effective communication of policies helps ensure proper compliance.

Employers who look forward to these vaccination programs should comply with this EEOC guidance. Employees may have a number of questions. So it's important for employers to have the right answers to ensure the employees have confidence.

The Center for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) has also issued guidance for Employers on vaccine mandates. However, there are several questions that need to be addressed before there are vaccines either mandatory or voluntary:

-What are the supply issues in all the states? Are there enough vaccines to ensure a vaccine program in the workplace?
-Can Employers make an informed decision with the information they have now?
-What type of reasonable accommodations are appropriate for the current guidelines?

Employers also need to have exceptions and accommodations should be made for those employees who are not ready for vaccinations because of disability or religious concerns. For such cases, there should be some accommodations made to avoid enforcing an undue hardship to those employees.

Why You Should Attend It

COVID-19 will be a part of the workforce for the next 2-3 years. While the pandemic has changed the dynamics of the most workplace, employers need to come up with policies and methods meeting the EEOC criteria. So they can ensure safety measures in the workplace.

Now employers will adapt to the changes to ensure that both employees and stakeholders have confidence in their workplace. COVID-19 policies must consider all the landmines that can expose Employers like the ADA, HIPPA, Privacy issues, reasonable accommodations, and compliance with other regulatory entities.

Areas Highlighted in the Webinar

-The EEOC Guidance - What employers need to include in their employee handbook and stand-alone policies
-What vaccination guidelines will be a part of the employee handbook and what will be excluded
-The most appropriate steps to COVID-19 vaccination as per the EEOC requirements
-The religious protections and implications about vaccines
-How can Employers maximize the new Center for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) guidance and future goals?
-What do the CDC guidelines have to say to Employers about vaccine mandates?
-How can Employers manage vaccine hesitancy
-What is job-related and consistent with business necessity when it comes to mandatory vaccination?
-Pros and cons of mandatory vaccines
-What if the vaccine is inaccessible to employees?
-What some states are focused on when it comes to making vaccines compulsory
-What happens if employees refuse to be vaccinated?
-What consequences will appear if Employers do not mandate vaccination?
-How Employers maximize the new Center for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) guidance and future goals
-What is necessary to include in a workplace vaccine policy?
-What are the best practices for vaccination policies?
-How is the Biden administration coping with COVID-19 in the workplace?

Who Will Benefit

-All Employers
-Company Leadership
-Business Owners
-Compliance professionals
-HR Professionals
-Employers in all industries
-Payroll Administrators
-Compliance Professionals
-Small Business Owner

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