

It is the end of the old year, and the start of the New Year! And so is the workload of Payroll Forms and filings. Are you and your payroll department ready? The end of the month of January marks the filing deadline of various Forms. 

Join Clatid, with “The Payroll Advisor” Vicki M. Lambert, CPP as she helps you to understand the proper procedures for completion of Form W-2 and Form 941 for 2021 and reviews the Form W-4 for 2022. In this information-packed webinar. We will:

-Examine the requirements for completing and filing Form W-2 including a box-by-box explanation.
-Explore best practices for completing and reconciling Form W-2
-Discuss how to use the new form W-4 including the various new tables
-To understand the employer instructions in publication 15-T



Areas Covered in the Training

-Changes to the Form W-2 for 2022
-Line by line completion of the Form W-2
-Understanding the new W-2 codes
-Reconciliation of Form W-2 to Form 941-best practices on when and why it must be done
-Updated legislation impacting the 2021 Form W-2 and Updated legislation to consider for W-2 and 2022
-Review of the Form W-4 for 2022
-How to use the new Form W-4 including the various new tables
-Discover the various methods of calculating income tax withholding using current and prior year Forms W-4.
-Review of the employer instructions and publication 15-T




-This Program, ID No. 583152, has been approved for 1.50 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, aPHRi™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™, and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute®? (HRCI®).

-This program is valid for 1.5 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. For more information about certification or recertification, please portal.shrm.org.



Duration: 90 Minutes
Suggested Attendees

-Payroll Executives/Managers/Administrators/Professionals/Practitioners/Entry Level Personnel
-Human Resources Executives/Managers/Administrators
-Accounting Personnel
-Business Owners/Executive Officers/Operations and Departmental Managers
-Attorneys/Legal Professionals
-Any individual or entity that must deal with the complexities and requirements of
-Payroll compliance



You may ask your Question directly to our expert during the Q&A session.


Trusted & Accredited by HRCI & SHRM

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