

We bring forward a knowledge-packed webinar, that includes the various changes to the infection control standards that went into effect in November 2019.

Other requirements of the recent changes include the infection preventionist needs to be appointed by the board after approval by the nursing leadership and Medical Executive Committee plus the requirement to have an antibiotic stewardship program.

We will also discuss in detail the CMS infection control worksheet used to assess compliance with the infection control hospital CoPs.

Topics Discussed in the Webinar

-Proposed changes to the infection control worksheet
-49-page hospital infection control worksheet
-COVID-19 infection control issues; CMS memos and CDC guidance
-Recent final changes
-Infection preventionist identified and qualified
-Infection control program, resources, and required policies
-Systems to prevent MDRO and correct antibiotic use
-CDC guidance, infection control information
-Injection practices and sharps safety
-Infection prevention systems and training
-Point of care devices (blood glucose monitors and INR monitors)
-Multiple requirements for isolation, hand hygiene, infection control in the OR, and tracers for patient care

Webinar Highlights

-In-depth review of CMS Infection Control Worksheet
-Learn about the Conditions of Participation related to Infection Prevention and Control
-Discuss the important memos that affect all hospitals and that target infection control surveys

Objectives of the Session

-To recall that the infection control worksheet has a tracer on indwelling urinary catheters
-To discuss that CMS has a final infection control worksheet
-To recall that the infection control worksheet has a section on hand hygiene tracer
-To go through what CMS requires for safe injection practices and sharps safety

Why You Should Attend

Join Clatid this June to discuss the important memos on infection control issues from CMS. If you read the infection control standards, you would be surprised that not everything in the surveyor’s worksheet is addressed in the standards. It is due to the fact that CMS requires hospitals to follow all standards of care and standards of practice which include evidence-based practice. Therefore, it is important for the hospital to comply with what is in the 49-page worksheet and to be aware of the proposed changes to the worksheet.

Who Will Benefit

-Infection control nurses or coordinators (infection control professionals, now called infection preventionists by APIC and CMS)
-Chief Nursing Officers
-Nurse educators
-Chief Medical Officers
-Chief Operating Officers
-Hospital Epidemiologists
-PI directors
-Infection Control Committee
-All nurses and nurse managers
-Joint Commission Coordinators
-Anesthesiologists and CRNAs
-All nursing supervisors and department directors
-Senior leadership
-Risk managers
-Lab directors
-Board members
-Patient safety officers
-Compliance officers
-Maintenance directors and staff
-OR managers and OR staff
-Housekeeping (Environmental Services)
-All department directors
-Anyone with direct patient care
-Antibiotic Stewardship members and heads
-Anyone interested or responsible for infection control

You may ask your Question directly to our expert during the Q&A session.


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